Back Pain & Personal Injury Therapist

Medicare Physical Therapy in Englewood NJ

Physical therapy clinic that accepts Medicare.

If you have Medicare and are in need of physical rehabilitation, we are right for you.

Medicare Physical Therapy

Manual Physical Therapy specializes in Medicare physical therapy. If you have Medicare and are in need of physical rehabilitation, we are right for you. As well as anyone, we know that Medicare can be very difficult to navigate. With Medicare, finding a trusted therapist within their network can be difficult. For this reason, we go above and beyond with our service to ensure we are the go-to referral for your personal doctor.

For Medicare patients, we offer relief from acute injuries and postoperative rehabilitation. Whether you were injured in a fall or are in need of post-surgery rehabilitation to get you back on your feet, Manual Physical Therapy is here to help.

How Does Physical Therapy and Medicare Work?

  1. You have an injury and you are under Medicare
  2. You meet with your physician who determines that you are in need of physical therapy
  3. Your physician refers you to Manual Physical Therapy
  4. You schedule an appointment with one of our workers’ compensation physicians
  5. We meet with you and using The Australian Method we assess your injury
  6. We then plan your physical therapy treatment process and begin your rehabilitation

We are very knowledgeable about Medicare’s requirements and understand their strict policies. At Manual Physical Therapy we work with you in an effective yet timely manner to ensure the best possible service and experience.

Experience The Power of Healing

Contact Manual Physical Therapy and Nachum Loss for a free evaluation and take the first step to feeling better.

Lower Back Pain After a Car Accident

Lower Back Pain After a Car Accident

Dr. Loss has over 30 years of experience in treating back pain and specializes specifically in accident pain relief and rehabilitation.

Neck Pain After a Car Accident

Common Questions Regarding a Car Accident

It was proven by Dr. Robert B. Salter, M.D., through his research that with movement, the healing of ligaments, muscles, bone, etc., is faster than immobility and leads to better end results.